
is obama a punchline?

a customer, black of course, just came into the store and told me that i should take down a t-shirt we sell which depicts Obama red eyed holding a bong and a bag of Fritos. the shirt says "barrack obonga". according to the customer "that's not what it is."

for those of who who aren't fluent in Ebonics, that translates as "i disagree with the statement that shirt makes as it is not a factual representation of reality." my response? silence.

up until this moment my blackness has prevented me from commenting to heavily upon Obama and his actions. the last thing i wanted to be was the crab in the bucket trying to pull down the first black president. but my inner nigger is bubbling up to the top, and i cannot hold my tongue any longer. so for the record let me say this:

fuck whomever is in charge.

as a genetic dissenter and permanent devils advocate let me remind the public that despite the color of the face of the smiling politicians, they are all still politicians. lets be honest here, aside from being half black, which he had nothing to do with, what the fuck has Obama done for you? I'm still out here hustlin everyday, still gettin pulled over by the police when i ride caddy, still trying to make ends meet. we don't live in a democracy, we live in an oligarchy. wake the fuck up. the faster we realize that the two party system is a sham, the faster we can burn it down and come up with something that does work.

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