
The zen of waiting:
Wait is relative to your position in space time, and the pull of gravity plus mass, but only for baptist and protestants, not christians who have mass in an hour. Your wait on the sun would be much shorter than your wait on the moon, as the sun has a stronger gravitational pull. If two trains left boston and la, they would have they same relative wait, given that the person boarding said trains could be in two places at once and was Afraid to fly. A ton of bricks waits more than a ton of feathers since feathers fly and bricks just wait. Its dangerous to wait on i-10 cuz them people be hatin. Since space is curved, if you wait longer enough your right back where you started, but don't wait on the power company. Diets don't work for folks with wait problems. Patience is the key, but don't lose the number to the lock smith. Or you'll be waiting a long time. But losing wait is healthy.

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