
the blizzard of '09

a fact based what if:
i left home on a damp Thursday morning in my Cadillac, with Wes Montgomery in my ear and 12 felony counts in m pocket; still a little hangover from the night before. a bad breakfast, six hours, a jet and a thousand some odd miles later I'm back in the bricks. the wonders of modern travel.

i spend the first night and day being homesick. i don't even like going to metarie, but fucking new jersey? 12 blunts, three bean pies, and some bullet proof Chinese food later i get over it. soon as trife is off work Friday, the real trip begins. we stretch time and mix video with our minds. smoke smoke smoke, and wait for snow that never comes. we pass out, wake up and start again. were downtown when the snow starts.

a couple hour and a train ride later were in times square tripping balls, walking in a fucking winter wonderland of falling snow and gigantic high definition screens. its all artificial daylight and multicolored snow. next thing i know were riding an elevator up to strakloves studio, and for the time being, being beings of time, we occupied the space with two dutches and some rhymes. time slips a bit again, and were back in the wonderland. i see some orange sneakers and i buy them. dunks match hallucinogens so well. i fall into a pita palace. guy says "falafel?" , i say, "naw i feel well. but can i get a sandwich." while there we listen to them talk about yams and gay rights. i left them with a Strong "power to the people!!" and they seemed to agree. meanwhile down South, the saints were losing. full and packing a pair, we head back to jersey. the snow is not so much fun anymore.

after barely making it out of some kind of crazy wind tunnel mini blizzard in front of pen station, i barley escaped when two snow covered hills made a serious attempt on my life. finally i make it back to my brothers house with some dunks and a bean pie, and another song under my belt. moral of the story?

hallucinogens + times sqaure x hip hop(fly dunks)\ a snowstrom = adventure

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